The energy of Summer is ON and OUT. 

The energy of Summer is ON and OUT

It's the full moon, it's ovulation, it’s sunflowers in full abundant 'look-at-me' bloom. 

When you're embodying SUMMER you're compelling and magnetic. 

You're also connecting with pleasure, desire and joy!  

Summer’s a brilliant time for: 

🌸 getting more visible with your projects (who needs to know about the awesome work you do?)

🌸 promotion, launches and sales (who needs to hear about how you can help them?)

🌸 connection and collaboration (who can you reach out to and build relationship?)

This list 👆🏼is quite 'worky' and high energy. 

If all this talk of visibility and promotion makes you feel queasy, have a read of Chapter 7 in Change Makers and take a look at this blog on how to get visible without feeling like a fraud  


The energy of SUMMER is also about fun, joy, rest and pleasure.

It's often a quieter time when people are out of office, on leave and projets are on pause. It's an opportunity to go S L O W. 


Over to you:

🌸how are planning to switch OFF and OUT of work for extended times of rest, play and replenishment over these Summer weeks and months? 

🌸how can you do even more of what you LOVE to do? 

🌸how can you integrate some Summer energy into your next week - even a little?


Your next steps:

🍃Join Katy’s next 1/4 ly Reset retreat here where we pause for 90 mins guided reflection (no group work!) , review our progress and reset our energy and focus for the next few months.

🚀Join the waitlist for Katy’s next Change Makers programme here

📘Order your copy of Change Makers a Woman's Guide to Stepping UP Without Burning Out here

katy murray